Sunday, May 13, 2012

Water color painting photograph

I have used copy lighting technique, to photograph this water color painting done by my daughter, Swetha, as part of her German day school competition, which was held at Greensboro, NC on March 1st. She also got first place for this painting. 
Actual picture

Lighting setup

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Three different charity events during past weekend

1.   Beginnings 25th anniversary gala - BEGINNINGS of North Carolina is a non-profit agency providing an impartial approach to meeting the diverse needs of families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and the professionals who serve them.
     My photograph link made to their website, please check them at and look under gala update.
2.   Grand 996th Sri Ramanuja Jayanthi celebrations at Cary, NC by Sri Ahobila Mutt volunteers and devotees of Lard Krishna.
3.  Anuraags Foundation’s spring 2012 walk-run to help mentally challenged children